Hydrogen Fuel Cell Design, Development, & Manufacturing

Our second conference track will bring together fuel cell manufacturers, materials suppliers, technical and engineering consultants, systems integrators, research institutes, NGO’s, as well as a wide range of end user markets to discuss the techno-economic challenges that must be overcome for wide scale commercialisation and adoption of hydrogen fuel cells. The two-day conference will prioritise presentations that showcase innovative solutions to drive down cost, increase efficiency, improve durability and reliability, and for scale-up for mass manufacturing. Topics will include, but not be limited to:

Fuel cell market forecasts and regulation

Fuel cell materials – SOFC, coatings, catalysts, composites

PEM and fuel cell stacks – latest developments and improvements

Test and development – simulation, durability, range and performance, safety, certification

Design and packaging, size, weight, and integration with mobile and stationary applications

Air, thermal, and water management

Cost reduction, manufacturing, and automation of production

New applications, marine, aerospace, E-VTOL, UAV, drone, and space technology