Production investment under the goal of carbon offset is booming, and professional audiences attend here
Author: Source: Click:375 Time:2021-07-30

Focusing on the national strategic goal of "carbon offset and carbon peaking", under the background of "carbon offset", we will dig deep into seven most potential zero-carbon science and technology fields, such as new technologies such as energy saving, electrification and zero-carbon power generation, clean energy and energy storage, hydrogen energy and carbon capture, so as to provide market-oriented solutions that can be popularized on a large scale for the implementation of the carbon offset goal and actively promote China's green and sustainable development.

Relying on the brand advantages of China Environmental Expo, we can achieve complementary advantages. Realize the linkage of the two exhibitions. Go deep into the carbon-neutral markets in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, North China, West China, Northeast China and Greater Bay Area, accurately tap the national demand users, and invite professional visitors such as government departments, design institutes, engineering units and key carbon emission units to be present.